7 Signs You Should Consider Saying “No”

In some situations, saying “no” is the only solution. Again, in some situations, saying “no” saves your time and energy. Saying “no” is good therapy, it de-stress your mind. 

Here are 7 signs when you should consider saying “NO”:

  1. The job assigned to you needs time, money, or resources or all of these that you don’t have right now. You may have to borrow money and resources if you say yes to it. You may have to curtail time from a more important job at hand. In such a situation, it is always feasible to say no right away. 
  2. Don’t say yes to something that doesn’t align with your values. If you think that the matter is not correct or it may lead to something that will cause harm to somebody or something that you don’t want, then say “no” at the beginning. Otherwise, you will repent later. 
  3. If you think you are not the right person for the job, don’t put your brain, energy, or time into it. However, in the professional realm, it is difficult to say “no” to your boss or senior but you can discuss the issue with reason. An experienced individual managing a team will understand the matter and offer the right solution. 
  4. When your earlier experience didn’t go well, you shouldn’t bear the same burden or blame once again. Say “no” right away. 
  5. If saying “yes” to somebody means you have to tell “no” to another individual where you are already involved and where your involvement is more important to them or you, then say “no” to him or her.
  6. If saying “yes” to someone, you think, would give him or her an undue advantage that can make your position odd or disregard your position, then say “no” without delay. 
  7. Always maintain a boundary with a person no matter who he or she is or how he or she is related to you. Any request beyond that boundary means “no” to you. 

Keep in mind that being a people pleasure,

  • You halt your personal and professional growth 
  • You lose your personal life 
  • You damage your professional reputation
  • You take unnecessary stress
  • You live the life of others

Learn the art and science of saying “no”. Otherwise, be ready to experience hell. 

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